Deletion log
From Wasya Wiki
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 21:52, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page IO Utils (content was: " === Burn Kali linux to usb === dd if=kali-linux-2017.1-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=512k" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:51, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Iam (content was: " == roles == <pre> { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:GetRole", "ia..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:51, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Hh (content was: "When running locally, run this command every time you run a new local instance: pkill -9 fsevent_wat*" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:51, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Clash of Clans (content was: " * Some pointers on Clash of Clans strategy" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:50, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Uni ext lecture 20170712 (content was: " =20170712 uni externado review (innovation, product)= * watch some of steve job's presentations? * IPD - iterative product development? *1 product strategy: a..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:43, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Stimulus (content was: "Looking for stimulusjs ?" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:42, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Pi Nodes (content was: "<pre> Node Name: app_server_21 Environment: _default FQDN: IP: Run List: role[base], role[node_exampler] Roles: base, nod..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:42, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Project fi (content was: " The data-only SIM APN is "h2g2"" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:41, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Technical tutorials (content was: " Devops docs - small notes on unix admin." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:40, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Stimulusjs (content was: " With React:" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:40, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Sonatype Nexus (content was: " mvn deploy I gave anonymous user all access. Then, I succeeded deploying to: * http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-releases * http://localhost:8081/reposit..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:39, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Meeting Minutes 20161202 (content was: "== pitch to yoola == * yesterday - what was the outcome of that conversation * what are the goals? * what can we give you? What can you give us? * How did we g..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:39, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Meeting Minutes 20161201 (content was: "== Influencer setup pitch == ask him about his own channel? create a bit of rapport * who your audience is? * match their frame of reference * what games you p..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:37, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Operaevent - Meeting Minutes (content was: "* Meeting Minutes 20161201 * Meeting Minutes 20161202 - yoola, eyal, youtube" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:37, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Operaevent (content was: " Operaevent * Operaevent - Meeting Minutes" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:37, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Mtm (content was: " <pre> docker info docker container ls docker images docker rm mtmbackend_redis_1 docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) -f docker-compose exec db /usr/local/b..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:36, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Noop (content was: " <pre> #!/bin/bash while [ : ] do printf '.' sleep 1 done </pre>" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:36, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Retropi (content was: " == Nintendo 64 games == * mario kart and * Mystical ninja Goemon * The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of time * MarioKart64 * LoZ: Majoras Mask * Snowboard kid..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:35, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Docker setup (content was: "=== Example === <pre> docker-machine start eval $(docker-machine env default) docker container ls docker images docker create --name mongo-1 a41c82c0998a..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:35, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Docker-compose.yml (content was: "<pre> version: '3' services: message_runner: command: bundle exec rake creditninja:message_runner environment: DB_HOST: host.docker.internal:330..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 21:33, 28 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Dockerfile (content was: "<pre> FROM ruby:2.5.1-alpine RUN apk add --update \ build-base \ postgresql-dev \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt-dev \ curl-dev \ nodejs \ tzdata \ curl..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:25, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Ryesa (content was: "* Ryesa meeting minutes " (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:25, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Aphorisms (content was: "You need 10 000 hours (5 years full time) of doing something in order to become good at it. If it takes you less than 15 minutes to do something, just do it ri..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:23, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Xml (content was: " xmllint --format - < data.xml > data_out.xml" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:23, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Zlib (content was: " installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:23, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Accounting (content was: " Here are some providers to consider: * freshbooks, same as wepay * * * stripe Other: * * quickboo..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:22, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Swift SAIO testing (content was: " ==== Setup ==== There is initial setup of the test environment, which consists of the following steps on the Swift Python Tests machine (currently" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:22, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Core (content was: " * What can I do? It's not just "do 5 things every day" (although it was a good stepping stone), it's now, let's be busy and productive continuously, until perf..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:21, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page 20170628 Ryesa meeting minutes (content was: " === 20170628 Ryesa Reunion En Sitio II (meeting minutes) === 3 parts: software, vision, and f * (I) 1, 2, 3 recomendaciones de software * (II) marketing chan..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:20, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page 201612 ftim (content was: " Beautiful girl walks into the coffee shop. What do I do? I use unusual tactics to initiate contact. I see a beautiful girl at the coffee shop. I don't talk to..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 19:20, 2 April 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Add a nagios custom check (content was: "== Add a new custom check == Implement a new custom check: * assume nagios3 server is already installed * install nagios-nrpe-server on the client (sudo apt-get..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:12, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page 2017 Rails todo (content was: " * the homepage should be using the engine. 6 feature articles with outside links * ? with salsa schools in san jose? * be able to add d..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:11, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page 0ink setup (content was: " * VM passwords on 0ink may be simple. * `localhost` on 0ink runs Apache2 which serves the sleeper on :80. * ifconfig em0 inet netmask 255.255.25..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:11, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page AWS - Creating VPC (content was: "20150609 _vp_ Running servers are all in us-east-1d (default region) ubuntu1404=ami-d05e75b8 <pre> # create VPC and subnets ec2-create-vpc" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:11, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Access (content was: " Chipotle bathroom 3915" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:11, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Cyberduck Config (content was: "File:Cyberduck-4.png" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:10, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Zayn (content was: " * knex, the rdm" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:10, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Nv - udf (content was: "- use cases (scenarios) - I - user uploads pdf template - user verifies pdf template was parsed correctly, and makes changes if necessary - user s..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:10, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page NV (content was: " nv - udf " (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:10, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Glance (content was: " apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates add-apt-repository http://ppa:glance-core/trunk apt-get update glance --os-username admin --os-password *******..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:10, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page OpenStack Glance (content was: "See Glance" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 00:09, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Troubleshooting (content before blanking was: " = dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib = Didn't work: brew update && brew upgrade brew uninstall openssl; brew uninstall openssl; brew install")
- 00:09, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Sketch (content before blanking was: "==Sketch trial non stop== Open hosts files: $ open /private/etc/hosts Edit the file adding:")
- 00:09, 8 March 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Youtube (content before blanking was: " == finance == * ETF Short Interest and Failures-to-Deliver: Naked Short Selling or Operational Shorting? ** * superstonk ama ** https://www.youtub...")
- 17:08, 11 January 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Hygieia Development Scratchpad (content was: "From: From:" (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 17:07, 11 January 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page HabitRPG (content was: "<pre> vagrant@habitrpg:/vagrant$ /vagrant/tasks/gulp-tests.js:91 throw 'Problem with the server: ' + error; ^..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 17:06, 11 January 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Liatrio Simple Virtual Networking (content was: " So far we're using VirtualBox for our local virtual needs (spinning up instances on local machines). A slight issue came up in installing Sonatype Nexus virtu..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 17:06, 11 January 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Liatrio DevOps Bootcamp (content was: " * Liatrio Simple Virtual Networking * Managing Developer Laptops's Configuration (home-config) * Liatrio Jenkins autoconfig == CI/CD pipelin..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 17:06, 11 January 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Liatrio Week of 20151109 tasks (content was: "=== Objectives === * Jenkins locally * jenkins pipeline: build, deploy, verify. === Steps === * have a chef workstation (sleeper) ** have git client. Configure..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))
- 17:05, 11 January 2022 Piousbox (Talk | contribs) deleted page Knife bootstrapping Nedge (content was: "I am able to spin up a fresh ccow system from vanilla ubuntu using the following command. The command is idempotent (convergent). Everything is pre-set, and the..." (and the only contributor was "Piousbox"))